Protect Your Smile Today for a Healthier Tomorrow

Good oral health benefits you for the long term. When you visit our practice for your dental checkups, you can expect a personalized experience that fits your unique needs. Dr. Solis and his team use state-of-the-art equipment like digital X-rays and intraoral cameras to get a clear view of your teeth and gums. Your dentist takes the time to get to know you and your oral health history before recommending any treatment.

Our general dental care options include:

  • Cleanings and Exams – Your dental team will perform a thorough exam to look for early signs of cavities, gum infections, and oral cancer. Your hygienist will also perform a meticulous cleaning to eliminate plaque and tartar from your teeth.
  • Bad Breath Solutions – Chronic bad breath often indicates an underlying dental health issue. Your dentist will pinpoint the source and offer solutions, such as specialized oral care products or treatments. In some instances, treating gum infections or performing restorative procedures can help.
  • Dry Mouth Treatment Poor saliva production can cause oral health problems. If your mouth feels chronically dry, your dentist can suggest mouth rinses for relief. A dry mouth can also indicate issues such as sleep apnea. Dr. Solis may recommend a custom night guard if that’s the case.
  • Gum Disease Treatment – If you show signs of gum disease, your dentist will restore your healthy smile. Dr. Solis will perform a deep cleaning of your teeth and gums. For more serious cases, he may recommend targeted laser treatments.
  • Mouthguards If you grind or clench your teeth, especially while sleeping, a custom-made mouthguard can help. This guard protects your teeth from damage. It’s really important if you’ve had any dental work done. It will help prevent damage to veneers, crowns, or other restorations. You can also get a mouthguard to help prevent sports injuries.

Call 915-208-4941 for general dentistry in El Paso. You can also ​​schedule online.