Protect Your Teeth & Jaw From Grinding or Clenching

A TMJ disorder manifests from a variety of causes. It can be triggered by an injury, arthritis, or chronic teeth grinding. You may notice symptoms such as pain in your jaw area, waking up with headaches, tooth sensitivity, and neck and shoulder pain. If these sound familiar, it’s time to make an appointment. During your consultation, Dr. Solis will examine your mouth and take any necessary digital X-rays. This helps him determine the appropriate method of treatment.

One of our main treatment recommendations is a custom mouthguard. It will:

  • Reduce strain on the TMJs by adding a cushion between your teeth
  • Give your jaw muscles a chance to relax
  • Lessen the pain in your neck, shoulders, and facial muscles
  • Protect your teeth from damage

Your dentist will create a customized mouthguard that you will wear at night, the most common time for teeth grinding. Wearing this regularly will allow your jaw to heal. You can easily take it with you when you travel, so you have relief wherever you go.

In some cases, TMJ issues stem from misaligned teeth. If your teeth aren’t lined up properly, it can lead to uneven pressure on your jaw. Your dentist may recommend orthodontics, such as traditional metal braces or clear, ceramic braces. While orthodontic treatment will require a larger investment of time, it will give you long term relief.

Call 915-208-4941 for TMJ treatment in El Paso. You can also ​​schedule online.